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Before getting started, it is essential to understand your main motivations for launching an environmental impact reduction initiative for your service:

  • Compliance with regulations
  • Concern for environmental preservation
  • Acquiring or retaining customers who are interested in your social and environmental approach
  • Employee retention / Improving your employer brand
  • Communicating your environmental commitment

You will also take the time to clearly define the scope of the study.

The next step is to determine the resources you plan to invest in this initiative. Who are the stakeholders? What is your budget?

This process should lead to a well-defined mission with a clear timeline and anticipated costs.


Public organizations offer a wide range of funding opportunities to support part of your project, as long as it includes a responsible approach.

For example, BPI (Banque Publique d’Investissement) offers turnkey solutions that can finance up to 75% of your project (depending on the size of your company).

ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) also provides some funding through initiatives such as Tremplin or Ecoconception.

There are also local grants, like those from the Pays de la Loire region, which are smaller but accessible to more companies and projects (up to 30% of the invoice, nonetheless!).

For training, certain services can be covered by your OPCO (Opérateur de Compétences) either directly or through the National Employment Fund (Fonds National de l’Emploi).

We can help you navigate these options to secure the funding most suited to your project.

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